Bemoaning the lack of financial literacy among the young is a popular pastime. The problem involves the need for programs in the high schools, the lack of interest among students, and the ever-evolving complexity of the financial services industry. The result is that young people enter the work force and inevitably make numerous mistakes ranging from losing control of their credit cards to not saving enough early enough.

Here is a step in the right direction. When you show up at the college graduation barbecue party, put a copy of
I Will Teach You to be Rich by Ramit Sethi on the gift table.

This book speaks to young people and covers all the areas that a young person starting their first "real" job, getting ready to set up a household, and initiating a retirement savings program needs to know. When they are getting their first "real" paycheck, all of a sudden the subjects in this book become highly relevant. Timing, as in so many areas of life, is important.
The book is set up as a 6-week program and lists actionable items for the reader.
I recommend it highly.
Heard a lot about this book, haven't read it yet. Thanks for the reminder!
ReplyDeletere:MoneyCone It's the book I wished I had read when I was 22 years old!